Many game possibilities: Add more impostors, more assignments, and so much more!.Customization: Choose your color and cap.He can be you! He can be us! Might even be… Features of Among Us: Dude, remember – ANYONE can be a traitor in every game. And not only the game itself, but also not to take what is happening to heart, no matter what happens there. Well, in such a game there is a place for everyone – both Sherlocks with deduction and observation, and the cunning Ludwig Aristarkhovichs with their “Who did that?”, while the villain with a condescending smile looks and remains beyond suspicion, and our beloved herd instinct, where-is without him, darling. The goal of the traitor/traitors, obviously, is to get rid of the crew and not allow themselves to be detected, not only killing and hiding out of sight, but also creating sabotage, locking doors, and cutting off the light with communications.

The goal of the crew is either to identify the impostor or to complete their tasks and bring the progress bar to the maximum (the latter, in truth, happens much less often). Well, trying to figure out who is bluffing at the same time. This is how “Impostor” translates as an impostor, but the translators decided that it did not sound so clear and cool as a “traitor” But the people here do not sit at the table and squint with an unkind look, but run around the location, completing tasks along the way and following the behavior of the rest. Roughly speaking, this game is a kind of “Mafia”, where instead of civilians and the mafia – crew members and traitors. And in vain, since this is a very interesting business. To be honest, we are one of those who have not heard anything about Among Us until we came across references to “The Henry Stickmin Collection”.